Archive for 04/14/14

10 Mobile Touch Javascript Frameworks

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Mobile development is not an easy job for a developer who doesn’t know about the latest technologies, updates and trends that’s why mobile development is a stressful job. Major challenges a mobile developer faces are screen resolution, cross browser compatibility.
We know many of these issues have been solved as the mobile development industry is growing up. Now, we can see mobile websites with beautiful layouts are being developed. These mobile websites also have touch screen functionality that is developed with the help of different frameworks to work on tablets and smartphones.

Now, folks love to surf websites via their tablets, smartphones etc. So, having a mobile edition of your website is necessary. All this has been possible because of JavaScript, which has developed many frameworks to display our websites on mobile devices smoothly. So, below is the list of my Top 10 Mobile Touch JavaScript Frameworks.

1. pointer.js

If you want unifying mouse and touch systems, pointer.js is the best tool. pointer.js reinforces pointer-like input models to work on various devices and browsers. You can do multi-touch drawing, gesture event logger and pointer event logger.

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6 jQuery Responsive Layout for mobile

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1. app-UI

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app-UI may be helpful to mobile and web developers for developing interactive mobile or web applications using HTML and JavaScript. The animations are hardware accelerated and are rendered using CSS3 translate3d.

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Best 20 FlipBook responsive jQuery

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1. WowBook, create ebooks with page flip

With WowBook, you can easily crate an online publication with two flipping effects. This plugin doesn’t need flash and supports all the major browsers. It also has zoom functionality, keyboard navigation and mousewheel navigation.

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