Tutorial Change WMode with jQuery

by in , 0

If you don't set the wmode on a flash embed it will float over the top of an overlay which can be a pretty big deal. This is ideal in environment with lots of legacy video code or where users will be posting new code and teaching them about wmode is a lost cause. This should work in all browsers.

$("embed").attr("wmode", "opaque");
var embedTag;
$("embed").each(function(i) {
       embedTag = $(this).attr("outerHTML");
       if ((embedTag != null) && (embedTag.length > 0)) {
               embedTag = embedTag.replace(/embed /gi, "embed wmode="opaque" ");
               $(this).attr("outerHTML", embedTag);
       } else {

Reference URL

Tutorial Calculate Distance Between Mouse and Element

by in , 0

(function() {
    var mX, mY, distance,
        $distance = $('#distance span'),
        $element  = $('#element');

    function calculateDistance(elem, mouseX, mouseY) {
        return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseX - (elem.offset().left+(elem.width()/2)), 2) + Math.pow(mouseY - (elem.offset().top+(elem.height()/2)), 2)));

    $(document).mousemove(function(e) {  
        mX = e.pageX;
        mY = e.pageY;
        distance = calculateDistance($element, mX, mY);


This code will calculate the distance between the mouse cursor and the center of an element. This can be useful for triggering a function when the mouse is within a certain distance of an element. Or, you can base the value of a property, such as the width, height, or opacity of the element, on the proximity of the mouse cursor.

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Tutorial Browser Detection + Apply Classes to HTML Element

by in , 0

// jQBrowser v0.2: http://davecardwell.co.uk/javascript/jquery/plugins/jquery-browserdetect/
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?"":e(c/a))+String.fromCharCode(c%a+161)};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp(e(c),'g'),k[c])}}return p}('Ö ¡(){® Ø={\'¥\':¡(){¢ £.¥},\'©\':{\'±\':¡(){¢ £.©.±},\'¯\':¡(){¢ £.©.¯}},\'¬\':¡(){¢ £.¬},\'¶\':¡(){¢ £.¶},\'º\':¡(){¢ £.º},\'Á\':¡(){¢ £.Á},\'À\':¡(){¢ £.À},\'½\':¡(){¢ £.½},\'¾\':¡(){¢ £.¾},\'¼\':¡(){¢ £.¼},\'·\':¡(){¢ £.·},\'Â\':¡(){¢ £.Â},\'³\':¡(){¢ £.³},\'Ä\':¡(){¢ £.Ä},\'Ã\':¡(){¢ £.Ã},\'Å\':¡(){¢ £.Å},\'¸\':¡(){¢ £.¸}};$.¥=Ø;® £={\'¥\':\'¿\',\'©\':{\'±\':²,\'¯\':\'¿\'},\'¬\':\'¿\',\'¶\':§,\'º\':§,\'Á\':§,\'À\':§,\'½\':§,\'¾\':§,\'¼\':§,\'·\':§,\'Â\':§,\'³\':§,\'Ä\':§,\'Ã\':§,\'Å\':§,\'¸\':§};Î(® i=0,«=».ì,°=».í,¦=[{\'¤\':\'Ý\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ù/.¨(°)}},{\'¤\':\'Ú\',\'¥\':¡(){¢ Û.³!=²}},{\'¤\':\'È\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/È/.¨(°)}},{\'¤\':\'Ü\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Þ/.¨(°)}},{\'ª\':\'¶\',\'¤\':\'ß Ñ\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/à á â/.¨(«)},\'©\':¡(){¢ «.¹(/ã(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/)}},{\'¤\':\'Ì\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ì/.¨(«)}},{\'¤\':\'Í\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Í/.¨(°)}},{\'¤\':\'Ï\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ï/.¨(«)}},{\'¤\':\'Ð\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ð/.¨(«)}},{\'ª\':\'·\',\'¤\':\'å Ñ\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ò/.¨(«)},\'©\':¡(){¢ «.¹(/Ò (\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+(?:b\\d*)?)/)}},{\'¤\':\'Ó\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/æ|Ó/.¨(«)},\'©\':¡(){¢ «.¹(/è:(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/)}}];i<¦.Ë;i++){µ(¦[i].¥()){® ª=¦[i].ª?¦[i].ª:¦[i].¤.Õ();£[ª]=É;£.¥=¦[i].¤;® ­;µ(¦[i].©!=²&&(­=¦[i].©())){£.©.¯=­[1];£.©.±=Ê(­[1])}ê{® Ç=Ö ë(¦[i].¤+\'(?:\\\\s|\\\\/)(\\\\d+(?:\\\\.\\\\d+)+(?:(?:a|b)\\\\d*)?)\');­=«.¹(Ç);µ(­!=²){£.©.¯=­[1];£.©.±=Ê(­[1])}}×}};Î(® i=0,´=».ä,¦=[{\'ª\':\'¸\',\'¤\':\'ç\',\'¬\':¡(){¢/é/.¨(´)}},{\'¤\':\'Ô\',\'¬\':¡(){¢/Ô/.¨(´)}},{\'¤\':\'Æ\',\'¬\':¡(){¢/Æ/.¨(´)}}];i<¦.Ë;i++){µ(¦[i].¬()){® ª=¦[i].ª?¦[i].ª:¦[i].¤.Õ();£[ª]=É;£.¬=¦[i].¤;×}}}();',77,77,'function|return|Private|name|browser|data|false|test|version|identifier|ua|OS|result|var|string|ve|number|undefined|opera|pl|if|aol|msie|win|match|camino|navigator|mozilla|icab|konqueror|Unknown|flock|firefox|netscape|linux|safari|mac|Linux|re|iCab|true|parseFloat|length|Flock|Camino|for|Firefox|Netscape|Explorer|MSIE|Mozilla|Mac|toLowerCase|new|break|Public|Apple|Opera|window|Konqueror|Safari|KDE|AOL|America|Online|Browser|rev|platform|Internet|Gecko|Windows|rv|Win|else|RegExp|userAgent|vendor'.split('|')))

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

var aol       = $.browser.aol();       // AOL Explorer
var camino    = $.browser.camino();    // Camino
var firefox   = $.browser.firefox();   // Firefox
var flock     = $.browser.flock();     // Flock
var icab      = $.browser.icab();      // iCab
var konqueror = $.browser.konqueror(); // Konqueror
var mozilla   = $.browser.mozilla();   // Mozilla
var msie      = $.browser.msie();      // Internet Explorer Win / Mac
var netscape  = $.browser.netscape();  // Netscape
var opera     = $.browser.opera();     // Opera
var safari    = $.browser.safari();    // Safari
var userbrowser     = $.browser.browser(); //detected user browser

//operating systems

var linux = $.browser.linux(); // Linux
var mac   = $.browser.mac();   // Mac OS
var win   = $.browser.win();   // Microsoft Windows


var userversion    = $.browser.version.number();

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (mac == true) { 
} else if (linux == true) {
} else if (win == true) {

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */			

if (userbrowser == "Safari") {
} else if (userbrowser == "Firefox") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Camino") {


} else if (userbrowser == "AOL Explorer") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Flock") {


} else if (userbrowser == "iCab") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Konqueror") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Mozilla") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Netscape") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Opera") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Internet Explorer") {
} else {}

$("html").addClass("" + userversion + "");

Tutorial Better Broken Image Handling

by in , 0

Missing images will either just display nothing, or display a [ ? ] style box when their source cannot be found. Instead you may want to replace that with a "missing image" graphic that you are sure exists so there is better visual feedback that something is wrong. Or, you might want to hide it entirely. This is possible, because images that a browser can't find fire off an "error" JavaScript event we can watch for.

// Replace source
        $(this).attr('src', 'missing.png');

// Or, hide them

Additionally, you may wish to trigger some kind of Ajax action to send an email to a site admin when this occurs.

Tutorial Automatically Discover Document Links And Apply Class

by in , 0

$('a[href]').each(function() {
   if((C = $(this).attr('href').match(/[.](doc|xls|pdf)$/))) {

This will look through every a element on the page. If the href attribute of it has a .doc, .xls, or .pdf in it, it will apply the appropriate class name to it (e.g. class="doc")

Tutorial Append Site Overlay DIV

by in , 0

$(function() {

   var docHeight = $(document).height();

   $("body").append("<div id='overlay'></div>");

         'opacity' : 0.4,
         'position': 'absolute',
         'top': 0,
         'left': 0,
         'background-color': 'black',
         'width': '100%',
         'z-index': 5000


Overlays entire site with a black tint, disabling all links and bringing into focus anything above it.

Tutorial Animate Height/Width to “Auto”

by in , 0

It's not possible to do thing.animate({ "height": "auto" });. So this is Darcy Clarke's method to allow that to work. You essentially clone the element, remove the fixed heights currently inflicting the element, and measure/save the value. Then you animate the real element to that value.

jQuery.fn.animateAuto = function(prop, speed, callback){
    var elem, height, width;
    return this.each(function(i, el){
        el = jQuery(el), elem = el.clone().css({"height":"auto","width":"auto"}).appendTo("body");
        height = elem.css("height"),
        width = elem.css("width"),
        if(prop === "height")
            el.animate({"height":height}, speed, callback);
        else if(prop === "width")
            el.animate({"width":width}, speed, callback);  
        else if(prop === "both")
            el.animate({"width":width,"height":height}, speed, callback);


$(".animateHeight").bind("click", function(e){
    $(".test").animateAuto("height", 1000); 

$(".animateWidth").bind("click", function(e){
    $(".test").animateAuto("width", 1000); 

$(".animateBoth").bind("click", function(e){
    $(".test").animateAuto("both", 1000); 

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