Tutorial Paste Events

by in , 0

$.fn.pasteEvents = function( delay ) {
    if (delay == undefined) delay = 20;
    return $(this).each(function() {
        var $el = $(this);
        $el.on("paste", function() {
            setTimeout(function() { $el.trigger("postpaste"); }, delay);

Call this plugin on an element, then you get callback events for before and after pasting:

$("#some-element").on("postpaste", function() { 
    // do something

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Tutorial Password Strength

by in , 0

$('#pass').keyup(function(e) {
     var strongRegex = new RegExp("^(?=.{8,})(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*\\W).*$", "g");
     var mediumRegex = new RegExp("^(?=.{7,})(((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))).*$", "g");
     var enoughRegex = new RegExp("(?=.{6,}).*", "g");
     if (false == enoughRegex.test($(this).val())) {
             $('#passstrength').html('More Characters');
     } else if (strongRegex.test($(this).val())) {
             $('#passstrength').className = 'ok';
     } else if (mediumRegex.test($(this).val())) {
             $('#passstrength').className = 'alert';
     } else {
             $('#passstrength').className = 'error';
     return true;

Assumes this HTML:

<input type="password" name="pass" id="pass" />
<span id="passstrength"></span>

Tutorial Partial Page Refresh

by in , 0

Refresh certain elements of a page using jQuery after a set amount of time, can be used with any element with an ID. I amended the example given with the URL to only refresh once and not intermittently. Works in all browsers.

$('#button1').click(function() {

   var url = "http:www.your-url.com?ID=" + Math.random(); //create random number

   setTimeout(function() {
    $("#elementName").load(url+" #elementName>*","");
   }, 1000); //wait one second to run function


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Tutorial outerHTML jQuery Plugin

by in , 0

innerHTML() is native and returns the contents of a DOM node (e.g. <span>I live inside a div.</span>. outerHTML() is not, which would include the current DOM node (e.g. <div><span>I live inside a div.</span></div>). This is a chain-able jQuery version of doing that.

$.fn.outerHTML = function(){
    // IE, Chrome & Safari will comply with the non-standard outerHTML, all others (FF) will have a fall-back for cloning
    return (!this.length) ? this : (this[0].outerHTML || (
          var div = document.createElement('div');
          var contents = div.innerHTML;
          div = null;
          return contents;

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Tutorial Open External Links In New Window

by in , 0

$('a').each(function() {
   var a = new RegExp('/' + window.location.host + '/');
   if(!a.test(this.href)) {
       $(this).click(function(event) {
           window.open(this.href, '_blank');

You can do this straight with HTML, but that is invalid markup, this takes care of business without invalid code and unnecessary markup.

Or, you can still avoid the validation problems and just append the class target=_blank thing to any links with href attributes starting with http://. The example below only targets links in a #content area. Scoping down like that might be a good idea in case your menus are dynamic and create full URLs.

$("#content a[href^='http://']").attr("target","_blank");

Also note that there are a wide variety of different ways to only target external links.

Tutorial Move Cursor To End of Textarea or Input

by in , 0

jQuery.fn.putCursorAtEnd = function() {

  return this.each(function() {


    // If this function exists...
    if (this.setSelectionRange) {
      // ... then use it (Doesn't work in IE)

      // Double the length because Opera is inconsistent about whether a carriage return is one character or two. Sigh.
      var len = $(this).val().length * 2;

      this.setSelectionRange(len, len);
    } else {
    // ... otherwise replace the contents with itself
    // (Doesn't work in Google Chrome)


    // Scroll to the bottom, in case we're in a tall textarea
    // (Necessary for Firefox and Google Chrome)
    this.scrollTop = 999999;


Check out this Pen!

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Tutorial Move Clicked List Items To Top Of List

by in , 0

Assuming HTML like this:


So if "Two" is clicked, move it to the top of the list.

$("li").click(function() {

Will work for multiple lists...