How to Parse JSON in php

by in , 0

   $json ='{"id":1,"name":"foo","interest":["wordpress","php"]} ';


   echo $obj->interest[1]; //prints php

Pagination Function PHP example

by in , 0

function pagination($item_count, $limit, $cur_page, $link)
       $page_count = ceil($item_count/$limit);
       $current_range = array(($cur_page-2 < 1 ? 1 : $cur_page-2), ($cur_page+2 > $page_count ? $page_count : $cur_page+2));

       // First and Last pages
       $first_page = $cur_page > 3 ? '<a href="'.sprintf($link, '1').'">1</a>'.($cur_page < 5 ? ', ' : ' ... ') : null;
       $last_page = $cur_page < $page_count-2 ? ($cur_page > $page_count-4 ? ', ' : ' ... ').'<a href="'.sprintf($link, $page_count).'">'.$page_count.'</a>' : null;

       // Previous and next page
       $previous_page = $cur_page > 1 ? '<a href="'.sprintf($link, ($cur_page-1)).'">Previous</a> | ' : null;
       $next_page = $cur_page < $page_count ? ' | <a href="'.sprintf($link, ($cur_page+1)).'">Next</a>' : null;

       // Display pages that are in range
       for ($x=$current_range[0];$x <= $current_range[1]; ++$x)
               $pages[] = '<a href="'.sprintf($link, $x).'">'.($x == $cur_page ? '<strong>'.$x.'</strong>' : $x).'</a>';

       if ($page_count > 1)
               return '<p class="pagination"><strong>Pages:</strong> '.$previous_page.$first_page.implode(', ', $pages).$last_page.$next_page.'</p>';


   total amount of item/rows/whatever,
   limit of items per page,
   current page number,


pagination(45, 20, 1, '');

Output HTML:

<p class="pagination">
   <a href=""><strong>1</strong></a>,
   <a href="">2</a>,
   <a href="">3</a>
   | <a href="">Next</a>

Tutorial Output Buffering

by in , 0

  // Start buffering

  // Output stuff (probably not this simple, might be custom CMS functions...
  echo 'Print to the screen!!!';

  // Get value of buffering so far
  $getContent = ob_get_contents();

  // Stop buffering

  // Do stuff to $getContent as needed

  // Use it
  echo 'Now: ' . $getContent;


Tutorial Options to Truncate Strings

by in , 0

Technique #1: Simple

function myTruncate($string, $limit, $break=".", $pad="...") {
        if(strlen($string) <= $limit) return $string; 
        if(false !== ($breakpoint = strpos($string, $break, $limit))) { 
            if($breakpoint < strlen($string) - 1) { 
                $string = substr($string, 0, $breakpoint) . $pad; } 
            } return $string; 

Technique #2: Simple

function ellipsis($text, $max=100, $append='&hellip;') {
       if (strlen($text) <= $max) return $text;
       $out = substr($text,0,$max);
       if (strpos($text,' ') === FALSE) return $out.$append;
       return preg_replace('/\w+$/','',$out).$append;


$text = "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.";
echo ellipsis($text,100);

Technique #3: More Options

Options to use PHP's php_tidy to fix up broken HTML, or to strip HTML entirely.

function summarise( $input, $break = " ", $end_text = "...", $limit = 255, $tidy_html = 1, $strip_html = 0 ) {
               if ( strlen( $input ) >= $limit ) {
                       $breakpoint = strpos( $input, $break, $limit );
                       $input = substr( $input, 0, $breakpoint ) . $end_text;
               if ( $tidy_html == 1 ) {
                       ob_start(  );
                       $tidy = new tidy;
                       $config = array( 'indent' => true, 'output-xhtml' => true, 'wrap' => 200, 'clean' => true, 'show-body-only' => true );
                       $tidy->parseString( $input, $config, 'utf8' );
                       $tidy->cleanRepair(  );
                       $input = $tidy;
               if ( $strip_html == 1 ) {
                       $input = strip_tags( $input );
               return $input;

Technique #4: Without a function


$long_text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
$max_length = 40; // we want to show only 40 characters.

if (strlen($long_text) > $max_length)
 $short_text = (substr($long_text,0,$max_length-1)); // make it $max_length chars long
 $short_text .= "..."; // add an ellipses ... at the end
 $short_text .= "<a href=''>Read more</a>"; // add a link
 echo $short_text;
// string is already less than $max_length, so display the string as is
echo $long_text;


Reference URL

Tutorial MySQL Restore Class

by in , 0


define('MSR_VERSION', '1.0.0');
define('__SEP__', "/*sep*/" );

define('MSR_STRING', 0);
define('MSR_FILE', 1);
set_time_limit( 600 );

class MySQL_Restore {

 var $server           = 'localhost';
 var $port             = 3306;
 var $username         = 'root';
 var $password         = '';
 var $database         = '';
 var $link_id          = -1;
 var $connected        = false;
 var $queries          = array();
 var $error            = '';

 var $debug            = false;
 var $log_folder       = "";
 var $log_file_name    = "";

   function MySQL_Restore() {
       $this->log_file_name = "restore_" . date( "Ymd_his" ) . ".log";

   function Execute( $param, $mode = MSR_STRING, $is_compressed = false, $split_only = false ) {
       if ( $this->debug ) {
               $this->saveLog( "[start reading file]" );
           if ( $mode == MSR_FILE ) {
               if (!($sql = $this->_ReadFromFile($param, $is_compressed))) {
                   $this->error = 'Can\'t read backup file.';
                   return false;
           } else {
               $sql = ($is_compressed ? gzuncompress($param) : $param);
       if ( $this->debug ) {
           $this->saveLog( "[file readed]" );

           return $this->_Restore( $sql, $split_only );

   function _Connect() {
           $value = false;
           if ( !$this->connected ) {
               $host = $this->server . ':' . $this->port;
               $this->link_id = mysql_pconnect( $host, $this->username, $this->password );
           if ( $this->link_id ) {
               if ( empty( $this->database ) ) {
                   $value = true;
               } elseif ( $this->link_id !== -1 ) {
                   $value = mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->link_id);
               } else {
                   $value = mysql_select_db($this->database);
           if (!$value) {
               $this->error = mysql_error();
           return $value;

   function _Disconnect() {
       if ( $this->link_id ) {
               mysql_close( $this->link_id );

   function _Query( $sql ) {
       if ( $this->link_id !== -1 ) {
           $result = mysql_query( $sql, $this->link_id );
       } else {
           $result = mysql_query( $sql );
       if ( !$result ) {
           $this->error = mysql_error();
       return $result;

// The logic from phpMyAdmin source
   function _Decompose( &$ret, $sql ) {
       $sql = rtrim( $sql, "\n\r" );
       $sql_len = strlen( $sql );
       $char = '';
       $string_start = '';
       $in_string = false;
       $nothing = true;
       $time0 = time();
       for ( $i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i ) {
           $char = $sql[$i];
           if ( $in_string ) {
               for (;;) {
                   $i = strpos( $sql, $string_start, $i );
                   if ( !$i ) {
                       $ret[] = $sql;
                       return true;
                   } elseif ( $string_start == '`' || $sql[$i - 1] != '\\' ) {
                       $string_start = '';
                       $in_string = false;
                   } else {
                       $j = 2;
                       $escaped_backslash = false;
                       while ( $i - $j > 0 && $sql[$i - $j] == '\\' ) {
                           $escaped_backslash = !$escaped_backslash;
                       if ( $escaped_backslash ) {
                           $string_start = '';
                           $in_string = false;
                       } else {
           } else if ( ($char == '-' && $sql_len > $i + 2 && $sql[$i + 1] == '-' && $sql[$i + 2] <= ' ') || $char == '#' || ($char == '/' && $sql_len > $i + 1 && $sql[$i + 1] == '*') ) {
               $comm_end = ($char == '/' ? '*/' : "\n");
               $i = strpos($sql, $comm_end, $i);
               if ( $i === false ) {
               if ($char == '/') {
           } else if ($char == ';') {
               $ret[] = array( 'query' => substr( $sql, 0, $i ), 'empty' => $nothing );
               $nothing = true;
               $sql = ltrim(substr($sql, min($i + 1, $sql_len)));
               $sql_len = strlen($sql);
               if ( $sql_len ) {
                   $i = -1;
               } else {
                   return true;
           } else if (($char == '"') || ($char == '\'') || ($char == '`')) {
               $in_string = true;
               $nothing = false;
               $string_start = $char;
           } elseif ($nothing) {
               $nothing = false;
           $time1 = time();
           if ($time1 >= $time0 + 30) {
               $time0 = $time1;
               @header('X-pmaPing: Pong');
       if (!empty($sql) && preg_match('@[^[:space:]]+@', $sql)) {
           $ret[] = array('query' => $sql, 'empty' => $nothing);
       return true;

   function _Restore($sql, $split_only) {
       if ( $this->debug ) {
           $this->saveLog( "[start restoring]" );
       if ( $this->debug ) {
           $this->saveLog( "[connecting to DB...]" );

       if (!$this->_Connect()) {
           return false;
       if ( $this->debug ) {
           $this->saveLog( "[connected to DB]" );
       if ( $this->debug ) {
           $this->saveLog( "[decomposing...]" );
       $queries = array();
       $errors = '';

// check if is this our backup
       if ( strpos( $sql, __SEP__ ) !== false ) {
               if ( $this->debug ) {
                   $this->saveLog( "[founding our backup file]" );
           $queries = explode( __SEP__, $sql );
           if ( count( $queries ) ) {
                   if ( $this->debug ) {
                       $this->saveLog( "[decomposed]" );
                   if (!$split_only) {
                       foreach ($queries as $query) {
                               $query = trim( $query );
                               if ( !empty( $query ) ) {
                                   if (!$this->_Query( $query ) ) {
                                       $errors .= $this->error . '<br />';
                                       if ( $this->debug ) {
                                  $this->saveLog( $query );
       } else {
           if ( $this->debug ) {
               $this->saveLog( "[common sql file founded]" );
               if (!$this->_Decompose( $queries, $sql ) ) {
                   return false;
               if ( $this->debug ) {
                   $this->saveLog( "[decomposed]" );
               foreach ($queries as $query) {
                   if (!$split_only) {
                       if (!$this->_Query( trim( $query['query'] ) ) ) {
                           $errors .= $this->error . '<br /><br />';
                   if ( $this->debug ) {
                       $this->saveLog( $query['query'] );
       if ( $this->debug ) {
           $this->saveLog( "[finished restoring]" );

       if ( !empty( $errors ) ) {
           $this->error = $errors;
           return false;
       return true;

   function _ReadFromFile($fname, $is_compressed) {
          if ($is_compressed) {
              $sql = gzfile($fname);
          } else {
              $sql = file($fname);
          if ($sql === false) {
             return false;
          return implode('', $sql);

       function saveLog( $str ) {
       $f = @fopen( $this->log_folder . $this->log_file_name, "a" );
       @fwrite( $f, "[" . date( "H:i:s" ). "] " . $str . "\n" );
               @fclose( $f );


Tutorial MySQL Database Access Class

by in , 0


/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */

class dbAccess {

       var $db_connect_id;
       var $query_result;
       var $row = array();
       var $rowset = array();
       var $num_queries = 0;

       // Constructor
       function dbAccess($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword, $database, $persistency = true) {

               $this->persistency = $persistency;
               $this->user = $sqluser;
               $this->password = $sqlpassword;
               $this->server = $sqlserver;
               $this->dbname = $database;

               if($this->persistency) {
                       $this->db_connect_id = @mysql_pconnect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password);
               } else {
                       $this->db_connect_id = @mysql_connect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password);
               if($this->db_connect_id) {
                       if($database != "")     {
                               $this->dbname = $database;
                               $dbselect = @mysql_select_db($this->dbname);
                               if(!$dbselect) {
                                       $this->db_connect_id = $dbselect;
                       return $this->db_connect_id;
               } else {
                       return false;

       // Other base methods
       function destroy() {
               if($this->db_connect_id) {
                       if($this->query_result) {
                       $result = @mysql_close($this->db_connect_id);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;

       // Base query method
       function query($query = "", $transaction = FALSE) {
               // Remove any pre-existing queries
               if($query != "") {
                       $this->query_result = @mysql_query($query, $this->db_connect_id);
               if($this->query_result) {
                       return $this->query_result;
               } else {
                       return ( $transaction == END_TRANSACTION ) ? true : false;

       // Other query methods
       function numrows($query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_num_rows($query_id);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function affectedrows() {
               if($this->db_connect_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_affected_rows($this->db_connect_id);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function numfields($query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_num_fields($query_id);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function fieldname($offset, $query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_field_name($query_id, $offset);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function fieldtype($offset, $query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_field_type($query_id, $offset);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function fetchrow($query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       $this->row[$query_id] = @mysql_fetch_array($query_id);
                       return $this->row[$query_id];
               } else {
                       return false;
       function fetchrowset($query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                   $result = array();
                       while($this->rowset[$query_id] = @mysql_fetch_array($query_id)) {
                               $result[] = $this->rowset[$query_id];
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function fetchfield($field, $rownum = -1, $query_id = 0) {
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       if($rownum > -1) {
                               $result = @mysql_result($query_id, $rownum, $field);
                       } else {
                               if(empty($this->row[$query_id]) && empty($this->rowset[$query_id])) {
                                       if($this->fetchrow()) {
                                               $result = $this->row[$query_id][$field];
                               } else {
                                       if($this->rowset[$query_id]) {
                                               $result = $this->rowset[$query_id][$field];
                                       } else if($this->row[$query_id]) {
                                               $result = $this->row[$query_id][$field];
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function rowseek($rownum, $query_id = 0){
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;
               if($query_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_data_seek($query_id, $rownum);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function nextid(){
               if($this->db_connect_id) {
                       $result = @mysql_insert_id($this->db_connect_id);
                       return $result;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function freeresult($query_id = 0){
               if(!$query_id) {
                       $query_id = $this->query_result;

               if ( $query_id ) {


                       return true;
               } else {
                       return false;
       function error($query_id = 0) {
               $result["message"] = @mysql_error($this->db_connect_id);
               $result["code"] = @mysql_errno($this->db_connect_id);

               return $result;

Tutorial MySQL Backup Class

by in , 0


define('MSB_VERSION', '1.0.0');

define('MSB_NL', "\r\n");

define('MSB_STRING', 0);
define('MSB_DOWNLOAD', 1);
define('MSB_SAVE', 2);
define('__SEP__', "/*sep*/" );

set_time_limit( 600 );

class MySQL_Backup {
   var $server = 'localhost';
   var $port = 3306;
       var $username = 'root';
       var $password = '';
       var $database = '';
       var $link_id = -1;
       var $connected = false;
       var $tables = array();
       var $drop_tables = true;
       var $struct_only = false;
       var $comments = true;
       var $backup_dir = '';
       var $fname_format = 'd_m_y__H_i_s';
       var $error = '';

       var $complete_inserts  = false;
       var $inserts_block     = 200;

   function Execute($task = MSB_STRING, $fname = '', $compress = false) {
       if ( !( $sql = $this->_Retrieve() ) ) {
           return false;
       if ( $task == MSB_SAVE ) {
           if (empty($fname)) {
               $fname = $this->backup_dir;
               $fname .= date($this->fname_format);
               $fname .= ($compress ? '.sql.gz' : '.sql');
           return $this->_SaveToFile($fname, $sql, $compress);
       } elseif ($task == MSB_DOWNLOAD) {
           if ( empty( $fname ) ) {
               $fname = date($this->fname_format);
               $fname .= ($compress ? '.sql.gz' : '.sql');
           return $this->_DownloadFile($fname, $sql, $compress);
       } else {
           return $sql;

   function _Connect() {
       $value = false;
       if (!$this->connected) {
           $host = $this->server . ':' . $this->port;
           $this->link_id = mysql_connect($host, $this->username, $this->password);
       if ($this->link_id) {
           if (empty($this->database)) {
               $value = true;
           } elseif ($this->link_id !== -1) {
               $value = mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->link_id);
           } else {
               $value = mysql_select_db($this->database);
       if (!$value) {
           $this->error = mysql_error();
       return $value;

   function _Query($sql) {
       if ($this->link_id !== -1) {
           $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->link_id);
       } else {
           $result = mysql_query($sql);
       if (!$result) {
           $this->error = mysql_error();
       return $result;

   function _GetTables() {
       $value = array();
       if ( !( $result = $this->_Query('SHOW TABLES') ) ) {
           return false;
       while ( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) ) {
           if ( empty( $this->tables) || in_array( $row[0], $this->tables ) ) {
               $value[] = $row[0];
       if (!sizeof($value)) {
           $this->error = 'No tables found in database.';
           return false;
       return $value;

   function _DumpTable( $table ) {
       $value = '';
       $this->_Query( 'LOCK TABLES ' . $table . ' WRITE' );
       if ( $this->comments ) {
           $value .= '#' . MSB_NL;
                   $value .= '# Table structure for table `' . $table . '`' . MSB_NL;
                   $value .= '#' . MSB_NL . MSB_NL;
       if ( $this->drop_tables ) {
           $value .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table . '`;' . __SEP__ . MSB_NL;
       if ( !( $result = $this->_Query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table) ) ) {
           return false;
       $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
       $value .= str_replace("\n", MSB_NL, $row['Create Table']) . ';' . __SEP__;
       $value .= MSB_NL . MSB_NL;
       if (!$this->struct_only) {
               if ($this->comments) {
                   $value .= '#' . MSB_NL;
                   $value .= '# Dumping data for table `' . $table . '`' . MSB_NL;
                   $value .= '#' . MSB_NL . MSB_NL;
               $value .= $this->_GetInserts($table);
       $value .= MSB_NL . MSB_NL;
       $this->_Query('UNLOCK TABLES');
       return $value;

   function _GetInserts($table) {
       $value = '';
       if (!($result = $this->_Query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table))) {
           return false;
       if ( $this->complete_inserts ) {
               while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                   $values = '';
                   foreach ($row as $data) {
                       $values .= '\'' . addslashes($data) . '\', ';
                   $values = substr($values, 0, -2);
                   $value .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES (' . $values . ');' . __SEP__ . MSB_NL;
       } else {
               $blocks_counter = 0;
           $blocks = array();
           while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
               $values = array();
               foreach ($row as $data) {
                   $values[] = '\'' . addslashes($data) . '\'';
               $blocks[] = '(' . implode( ',', $values ) . ')';

               if ( $blocks_counter < $this->inserts_block ) {
               } else {
                       $value .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES ' . implode( ',', $blocks ) . ";" . __SEP__ . MSB_NL;
                       $blocks = array();
                       $blocks_counter = 0;
               if ( count( $blocks ) ) {
               $value .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES ' . implode( ',', $blocks ) . ";" . __SEP__ . MSB_NL;
       return $value;

   function _Retrieve() {
       $value = '';
       if (!$this->_Connect()) {
           return false;
       if ($this->comments) {
           $value .= '#' . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '# MySQL database dump' . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '# Created by MySQL_Backup class, ver. ' . MSB_VERSION . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '#' . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '# Host: ' . $this->server . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '# Generated: ' . date('M j, Y') . ' at ' . date('H:i') . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '# MySQL version: ' . mysql_get_server_info() . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '# PHP version: ' . phpversion() . MSB_NL;
           if (!empty($this->database)) {
               $value .= '#' . MSB_NL;
               $value .= '# Database: `' . $this->database . '`' . MSB_NL;
           $value .= '#' . MSB_NL . MSB_NL . MSB_NL;
       if (!($tables = $this->_GetTables())) {
           return false;
       foreach ($tables as $table) {
           if (!($table_dump = $this->_DumpTable($table))) {
               $this->error = mysql_error();
               return false;
           $value .= $table_dump;
       return $value;

   function _SaveToFile($fname, $sql, $compress) {
       if ($compress) {
           if (!($zf = gzopen($fname, 'w9'))) {
               $this->error = 'Can\'t create the output file.';
               return false;
           gzwrite($zf, $sql);
       } else {
               if (!($f = fopen($fname, 'w'))) {
                   $this->error = 'Can\'t create the output file.';
                   return false;
               fwrite($f, $sql);
       return true;

   function _DownloadFile($fname, $sql, $compress) {
       header('Content-disposition: filename=' . $fname);
       header('Content-type: application/octetstream');
       header('Pragma: no-cache');
       header('Expires: 0');
       echo ($compress ? gzencode($sql) : $sql);
       return true;
