Tutorial Check if Element is inside Another Specific Element

by in , 0

Replace the first selector with the child you are testing and the second selector with the parent you are testing for.

if ( $(".child-element").parents("#main-nav").length == 1 ) { 

   // YES, the child element is inside the parent

} else {
   // NO, it is not inside


Tutorial Check if Element Exists

by in , 0

if ($('#myElement').length > 0) { 
    // it exists 

Or to make it a fancy function with a callback:

// Tiny jQuery Plugin
// by Chris Goodchild
$.fn.exists = function(callback) {
  var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);

  if (this.length) {
    callback.call(this, args);

  return this;

// Usage
$('div.test').exists(function() {
  this.append('<p>I exist!</p>');

Tutorial Check if Checkbox is Checked

by in , 0

Say that 10 times fast =).

Find out if a single checkbox is checked or not, returns true or false:


Find all checked checkboxes:


Reference URL

Tutorial Check for Empty Elements

by in , 0

Do something for each empty element found:

$('*').each(function() {
         if ($(this).text() == "") {
                   //Do Something

TRUE or FALSE if element is empty:

var emptyTest = $('#myDiv').is(':empty');

Tutorial Change WMode with jQuery

by in , 0

If you don't set the wmode on a flash embed it will float over the top of an overlay which can be a pretty big deal. This is ideal in environment with lots of legacy video code or where users will be posting new code and teaching them about wmode is a lost cause. This should work in all browsers.

$("embed").attr("wmode", "opaque");
var embedTag;
$("embed").each(function(i) {
       embedTag = $(this).attr("outerHTML");
       if ((embedTag != null) && (embedTag.length > 0)) {
               embedTag = embedTag.replace(/embed /gi, "embed wmode="opaque" ");
               $(this).attr("outerHTML", embedTag);
       } else {

Reference URL

Tutorial Calculate Distance Between Mouse and Element

by in , 0

(function() {
    var mX, mY, distance,
        $distance = $('#distance span'),
        $element  = $('#element');

    function calculateDistance(elem, mouseX, mouseY) {
        return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseX - (elem.offset().left+(elem.width()/2)), 2) + Math.pow(mouseY - (elem.offset().top+(elem.height()/2)), 2)));

    $(document).mousemove(function(e) {  
        mX = e.pageX;
        mY = e.pageY;
        distance = calculateDistance($element, mX, mY);


This code will calculate the distance between the mouse cursor and the center of an element. This can be useful for triggering a function when the mouse is within a certain distance of an element. Or, you can base the value of a property, such as the width, height, or opacity of the element, on the proximity of the mouse cursor.

Reference URL

Tutorial Browser Detection + Apply Classes to HTML Element

by in , 0

// jQBrowser v0.2: http://davecardwell.co.uk/javascript/jquery/plugins/jquery-browserdetect/
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?"":e(c/a))+String.fromCharCode(c%a+161)};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp(e(c),'g'),k[c])}}return p}('Ö ¡(){® Ø={\'¥\':¡(){¢ £.¥},\'©\':{\'±\':¡(){¢ £.©.±},\'¯\':¡(){¢ £.©.¯}},\'¬\':¡(){¢ £.¬},\'¶\':¡(){¢ £.¶},\'º\':¡(){¢ £.º},\'Á\':¡(){¢ £.Á},\'À\':¡(){¢ £.À},\'½\':¡(){¢ £.½},\'¾\':¡(){¢ £.¾},\'¼\':¡(){¢ £.¼},\'·\':¡(){¢ £.·},\'Â\':¡(){¢ £.Â},\'³\':¡(){¢ £.³},\'Ä\':¡(){¢ £.Ä},\'Ã\':¡(){¢ £.Ã},\'Å\':¡(){¢ £.Å},\'¸\':¡(){¢ £.¸}};$.¥=Ø;® £={\'¥\':\'¿\',\'©\':{\'±\':²,\'¯\':\'¿\'},\'¬\':\'¿\',\'¶\':§,\'º\':§,\'Á\':§,\'À\':§,\'½\':§,\'¾\':§,\'¼\':§,\'·\':§,\'Â\':§,\'³\':§,\'Ä\':§,\'Ã\':§,\'Å\':§,\'¸\':§};Î(® i=0,«=».ì,°=».í,¦=[{\'¤\':\'Ý\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ù/.¨(°)}},{\'¤\':\'Ú\',\'¥\':¡(){¢ Û.³!=²}},{\'¤\':\'È\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/È/.¨(°)}},{\'¤\':\'Ü\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Þ/.¨(°)}},{\'ª\':\'¶\',\'¤\':\'ß Ñ\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/à á â/.¨(«)},\'©\':¡(){¢ «.¹(/ã(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/)}},{\'¤\':\'Ì\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ì/.¨(«)}},{\'¤\':\'Í\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Í/.¨(°)}},{\'¤\':\'Ï\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ï/.¨(«)}},{\'¤\':\'Ð\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ð/.¨(«)}},{\'ª\':\'·\',\'¤\':\'å Ñ\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/Ò/.¨(«)},\'©\':¡(){¢ «.¹(/Ò (\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+(?:b\\d*)?)/)}},{\'¤\':\'Ó\',\'¥\':¡(){¢/æ|Ó/.¨(«)},\'©\':¡(){¢ «.¹(/è:(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/)}}];i<¦.Ë;i++){µ(¦[i].¥()){® ª=¦[i].ª?¦[i].ª:¦[i].¤.Õ();£[ª]=É;£.¥=¦[i].¤;® ­;µ(¦[i].©!=²&&(­=¦[i].©())){£.©.¯=­[1];£.©.±=Ê(­[1])}ê{® Ç=Ö ë(¦[i].¤+\'(?:\\\\s|\\\\/)(\\\\d+(?:\\\\.\\\\d+)+(?:(?:a|b)\\\\d*)?)\');­=«.¹(Ç);µ(­!=²){£.©.¯=­[1];£.©.±=Ê(­[1])}}×}};Î(® i=0,´=».ä,¦=[{\'ª\':\'¸\',\'¤\':\'ç\',\'¬\':¡(){¢/é/.¨(´)}},{\'¤\':\'Ô\',\'¬\':¡(){¢/Ô/.¨(´)}},{\'¤\':\'Æ\',\'¬\':¡(){¢/Æ/.¨(´)}}];i<¦.Ë;i++){µ(¦[i].¬()){® ª=¦[i].ª?¦[i].ª:¦[i].¤.Õ();£[ª]=É;£.¬=¦[i].¤;×}}}();',77,77,'function|return|Private|name|browser|data|false|test|version|identifier|ua|OS|result|var|string|ve|number|undefined|opera|pl|if|aol|msie|win|match|camino|navigator|mozilla|icab|konqueror|Unknown|flock|firefox|netscape|linux|safari|mac|Linux|re|iCab|true|parseFloat|length|Flock|Camino|for|Firefox|Netscape|Explorer|MSIE|Mozilla|Mac|toLowerCase|new|break|Public|Apple|Opera|window|Konqueror|Safari|KDE|AOL|America|Online|Browser|rev|platform|Internet|Gecko|Windows|rv|Win|else|RegExp|userAgent|vendor'.split('|')))

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

var aol       = $.browser.aol();       // AOL Explorer
var camino    = $.browser.camino();    // Camino
var firefox   = $.browser.firefox();   // Firefox
var flock     = $.browser.flock();     // Flock
var icab      = $.browser.icab();      // iCab
var konqueror = $.browser.konqueror(); // Konqueror
var mozilla   = $.browser.mozilla();   // Mozilla
var msie      = $.browser.msie();      // Internet Explorer Win / Mac
var netscape  = $.browser.netscape();  // Netscape
var opera     = $.browser.opera();     // Opera
var safari    = $.browser.safari();    // Safari
var userbrowser     = $.browser.browser(); //detected user browser

//operating systems

var linux = $.browser.linux(); // Linux
var mac   = $.browser.mac();   // Mac OS
var win   = $.browser.win();   // Microsoft Windows


var userversion    = $.browser.version.number();

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (mac == true) { 
} else if (linux == true) {
} else if (win == true) {

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */			

if (userbrowser == "Safari") {
} else if (userbrowser == "Firefox") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Camino") {


} else if (userbrowser == "AOL Explorer") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Flock") {


} else if (userbrowser == "iCab") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Konqueror") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Mozilla") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Netscape") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Opera") {


} else if (userbrowser == "Internet Explorer") {
} else {}

$("html").addClass("" + userversion + "");