Tutorial Add class to links generated by next_posts_link and previous_posts_link

by in , 0

These two functions create anchor links, and you can customize a lot of it, but it's impossible to add a class through just using their parameters alone. Gotta add a function to functions.php:

add_filter('next_posts_link_attributes', 'posts_link_attributes');
add_filter('previous_posts_link_attributes', 'posts_link_attributes');

function posts_link_attributes() {
    return 'class="styled-button"';

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Tutorial Add Category Name to body_class

by in , 0

The body_class function is nice for adding a bunch of classes to the body tag that have information about what kind of page is currently being displayed. Probably for styling purposes. But for whatever reason, it doesn't include a class for the current category (or categories) for a single post.

This adds that category "nice" name:

function add_category_to_single($classes, $class) {
  if (is_single() ) {
    global $post;
    foreach((get_the_category($post->ID)) as $category) {
      // add category slug to the $classes array
      $classes[] = $category->category_nicename;
  // return the $classes array
  return $classes;

Tutorial “Edit This” Button on Posts and Pages

by in , 0

<?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?>

Put this in the theme file somewhere near where you output the_content() (likely in the single.php or page.php file) to make a link you can click that takes you into the admin to edit it. This link will only be visible when the viewer is logged in and has appropriate permissions to edit that page (administrator or author).

Tutorial Remove Width and Height Attributes From Inserted Images

by in , 0

When you upload an image through the WordPress media uploader and then insert it into the editor, it comes with width and height attributes. These are normally desirable, as it assists the browser in making the appropriate room for the image during layout. But if you want to remove the insert action from adding these attributes, you can add this code to you functions.php file or a functionality plugin of your own making:

add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'remove_width_attribute', 10 );
add_filter( 'image_send_to_editor', 'remove_width_attribute', 10 );

function remove_width_attribute( $html ) {
   $html = preg_replace( '/(width|height)="\d*"\s/', "", $html );
   return $html;

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Tutorial Working with Attributes

by in , 0

Setting Single Attribute

$("img").attr("src", "http://cdn.css-tricks.com/images/banner.jpg");

Setting Single Attribute (with function)

$("div").attr("id", function (arr) {
    return "div-id" + arr;

Setting Multiple Attributes

       src: "http://cdn.css-tricks.com/images/banner.jpg",
       title: "banner",
       alt: "banner"

Getting Attribute

var $source = $("img").attr("src");

Reference URL

Tutorial Window load event with minimum delay

by in , 0

window.load can fire super duper fast if the page is cached. If you want to use that event but make sure a minimum amount of time has passed until it does...

(function fn() {

  fn.now = +new Date;

  $(window).load(function() {

     if (+new Date - fn.now < 500) setTimeout(fn, 500);
		 // Do something



Tutorial Validate Age

by in , 0

This snippet presupposed an HTML form with and ID of "age-form" and three inputs (text or select) with the IDs "day", "month", and "year" respectively.

	var day = $("#day").val();
	var month = $("#month").val();
	var year = $("#year").val();
	var age = 18;
	var mydate = new Date();
	mydate.setFullYear(year, month-1, day);

	var currdate = new Date();
	currdate.setFullYear(currdate.getFullYear() - age);
	if ((currdate - mydate) < 0){
		alert("Sorry, only persons over the age of " + age + " may enter this site");
		return false;
	return true;

You may wish to do something more elegant than an alert, and should also probably validate the form with server side code or else this protection only works for users with JavaScript enabled.