Array Detect Gists and Embed Them
Just post a link to a GitHub Gist and it will be nicely embedded. Or use the format this snippet provides and create the shortcode yourself. For your functions.php file:
// [gist id="ID" file="FILE"]
function gist_shortcode($atts) {
return sprintf(
'<script src=""></script>',
$atts['file'] ? '?file=' . $atts['file'] : ''
} add_shortcode('gist','gist_shortcode');
// Remove this function if you don't want autoreplace gist links to shortcodes
function gist_shortcode_filter($content) {
return preg_replace('/https:\/\/\/([\d]+)[\.js\?]*[\#]*file[=|_]+([\w\.]+)(?![^<]*<\/a>)/i', '[gist id="${1}" file="${2}"]', $content );
} add_filter( 'the_content', 'gist_shortcode_filter', 9);
Any of these formats will work: [gist id=1147076] [gist id=1147076 file=annotated.js]