PHP Detect URL Protocol - http vs https

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I've written a little function to establish the current site url protocol but I don't have SSL and don't know how to test if it works under https. Can you tell me if this is correct?

function siteURL()
    $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://";
    $domainName = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/';
    return $protocol.$domainName;
define( 'SITE_URL', siteURL() );
Is it necessary to do it like above or can I just do it like?:
function siteURL()
    $protocol = 'http://';
    $domainName = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/'
    return $protocol.$domainName;
define( 'SITE_URL', siteURL() );
Under SSL, doesn't the server automatically convert the url to https even if the anchor tag url is using http? Is it necessary to check for the protocol?

Thank you!

I know it's late, although there is a much more convenient way to solve this kind of problem! the solutions shown above are quite messy, and if someone should ever check back on this, there's how i would do:
$protocol = stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'],'https') === true ? 'https://' : 'http://';
or even without condition if you don t like

$protocol = strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"],0,strpos( $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"],'/'))).'://';


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