Tutorial Bloginfo Shortcode

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The bloginfo() function in WordPress gives you access to lots of useful information about your site. See the complete list. To access all these values from inside Page/Post content itself, we can make a shortcode to return the values. Add this to your functions.php file in your theme:

function digwp_bloginfo_shortcode( $atts ) {
       'key' => '',
   ), $atts));
   return get_bloginfo($key);
add_shortcode('bloginfo', 'digwp_bloginfo_shortcode');

Now you can output any of the values by calling that shortcode with "key". For example, the name of your site:

[bloginfo key='name']

Or directly to images in your theme folder:

<img src="[bloginfo key='template_url']/images/logo.jpg" alt="[bloginfo key='name'] logo" />

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