Tutorial Show Most Recent Picasaweb Uploads
Replace the "tester" username below with your own, and the target value with the selector of the element you wish to append the pictures to.
$(document).ready(function() {
function(data) {
var target = "#latest-picasaweb-images ul"; // Where is it going?
for (i = 0; i <= 9; i = i + 1) { // Loop through the 10 most recent, [0-9]
var pic = data.feed.entry[i].media$group;
var liNumber = i + 1; // Add class to each LI (1-10)
var thumbSize = 0; // Size of thumbnail - 0=small 1=medium 2=large
$(target).append("<li class='no-" + liNumber + "'><a title='" + pic.media$description.$t + "' href='" + pic.media$content[0].url + "'><img src='" + pic.media$thumbnail[thumbSize].url + "' /></a></li>");