Tutorial Strip Whitespace From String
by Unknown in javascript , Tutorial 0
Whitespace, meaning tabs and spaces.
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace
// Requires jQuery
var str = " a b c d e f g ";
var newStr = $.trim(str);
// "a b c d e f g"
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace
// JavaScript RegEx
var str = " a b c d e f g ";
var newStr = str.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,'');
// "a b c d e f g"
// Remove all whitespace
// JavaScript RegEx
var str = " a b c d e f g ";
var newStr = str.replace(/\s+/g, '');
// "abcdefg"
Doesn't work with other types of whitespace though, for instance   (thin space) or (non-breaking space)